AI Generated Pathways: Real or Fiction

There is a rash of AI generated career finding tools on the market today. The questions on my mind are — are they any good? Can AI really help me find my path to a successful career quicker, or at least with less indecision? And can AI replace the individuals who have dedicated their lives to helping others find fulfilling careers? 

Let me begin by stating that it’s been my feeling for some time that the process of career or pathway development is extremely flawed. Back when I knew little about the career-finding space (2014) I founded a company called CareerPath to help students and dislocated workers find their path to success. I was as one might say, green, and perhaps overly optimistic about what we could achieve and what the landscape looked like at that time. What we did do well was engage students via our mobile application, and proved through numerous case studies that by connecting with them on their devices first (low friction/high yield) they were more likely to participate during in-person events at the career centers we worked with.

A Logical Evolution

Career exploration has always been part science, part interpersonal connectedness. What I mean by this is there are plenty of structural pathways and tools created that will get a person part or most of the way to understanding the possibilities, but there most often is another human helping guide the way, be it advisor, mentor, counselor, teacher, parent, coach, or friend. As humans, we respond to other humans, it’s part of our DNA. The problem is twofold. First, many are not trained to advise others on career planning and pathways, and second, quite often the professionals who are trained (advisors, guidance counselors, etc.) are overloaded with so many students, they are often overwhelmed and cannot provide the level of service they would like to. 

The rise of new AI driven career pathways technology makes perfect sense, but like with any gold-rush, in the haste to reap rewards, it seems many new solution providers are slapping some lipstick on the pig and proclaiming victory. AI is indeed powerful, and will benefit the process in myriad ways. With Journeys Map, we have been utilizing Machine Learning and AI for a number of years now to improve the alignment process of skills to CTE standards. This discrete application is yielding significant benefit, as the speed in which we are able to create pathways to any career opportunity has increased significantly.

Outcomes Matter

Before taking the leap with a new piece of AI driven software, ask yourself a few questions. Does the solution solely rely on AI to produce results? Has the company been in business long enough to really understand the career services space? Does the technology enable the people doing the work, or attempt to replace them? Is the app relying on existing paradigms, like personal interest assessments, to produce ‘fast’ pathway options? All of these situations may have some merit, but applied in a vacuum may simply pander to peoples curiosities rather than truly solve a problem. 

Ultimately aiding people, young or old, in finding a career path means understanding what they have interest and aptitude in, applying their skill set and seeing how it matches up to the careers of interest, and learning enough about their past activities to assemble suggestions of meaning. AI has its place, but so do the individuals who have made it their career mission to help others in need. Perhaps the most important question to ask is, can technology truly replace empathetic human interactions? 

Advocating for Early Career Exploration

Have you ever stopped to think about how exploring career paths shaped your journey? During our middle school years, we are taught the importance of planning and goal setting, when our young minds are open to the endless possibilities and eager to explore the world we live in.

At this age, students should be encouraged to explore their career options to foster their curiosity, self-awareness, and interests. By encouraging young individuals to explore different career paths, we can empower them to make informed choices about their future and establish realistic goals.

According to a study conducted by the American Student Assistance® (ASA) and Education Strategy Group (ESG), a student’s academic performance, motivation, and overall job satisfaction can be greatly impacted by early exposure to a variety of occupations. By introducing students to a wide range of career options, we can help them discover their passions, strengths, and interests, setting them on a path towards success and fulfillment.

Guided Pathways Start Here

This is where Journeys Map can make a difference in guiding students in their career exploration. Journeys offers students a personalized roadmap that navigates them through different career paths based on interests, skills, and values. Journeys Map powerful data analysis capabilities match students with potential career options that align with their unique situation. Through interactive quizzes, resources, and real-world insights, Journeys Map enables students to make informed decisions about their future with confidence. Whether it’s diving into apprenticeships, exploring vocational training, or even dreaming up entrepreneurial ventures, Journeys is like a compass guiding students toward paths that truly speak to them.

In addition to beginning exploring career options earlier, school advisors need ways to connect better with their students. Advisors are reliable and essential guides when it comes to navigating the jungle of career discovery. They can help students confidently explore many career paths by utilizing Journeys as their companion. Journeys offers a vast array of resources so advisors can craft tailored guidance that aligns perfectly with each student’s dreams and abilities.  Using Journeys resources, advisors can help students in their own personal journey, whether it’s discovering a hidden skill or pursuing unusual career paths.

Advisors also face challenges in career guidance with high student-to-advisor ratios and limited time working with individual students. Journeys offers a solution to these challenges by providing advisors with resources to help personalize their support, or even empower the students to navigate on their own.

Cyber Professionals In Demand

One career that’s currently in high demand and sparking interests in middle schoolers is cybersecurity. As technology continues to shape our world, the need for cybersecurity professionals likewise continues to grow. To highlight this growing career path, Journeys partners with educational institutions like the Cyber Center of Excellence (CCOE) to offer virtual career exploration events. These events provide students with insights into the world of cybersecurity to potentially spark their interest in the field.

Many states are now recognizing the importance of earlier career exploration. In Indiana, the Commission for Higher Education has developed a Comprehensive Career Coaching and Navigation Framework that is focused on career exploration, engagement, and experience. Kentucky has also developed statewide efforts to support its advising needs. They offer the Kentucky Advising Academy (KAA) which includes a College and Career Advising Toolkit. This toolkit includes career exploration, financial aid and literacy, and information on postsecondary opportunities.

Middle school is a place where dreams begin to take shape. By emphasizing career exploration during this crucial time, we’re raising the next generation of professionals who are equipped to succeed in a world that is always changing, in addition to getting students ready for the workforce. 

Interested in seeing how Journeys can help your students on their career exploration? Journeys Map is free to try today! Explore the possibilities!

Bridging the Gap: How Journeys Map Empowers San Diego’s Cybersecurity Workforce

San Diego’s reputation as a national leader in cybersecurity is well-established. The city boasts a booming tech sector, a wealth of job opportunities, and a constant demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals. However, this creates a challenge: employers struggle to find qualified candidates, while learners from diverse backgrounds seek clear pathways into this exciting field.

This was the topic of conversation on a recent episode of Spotlight on the Community, where Erin, Client Services Consultant, and Peter, CEO, from Journeys Map joined host Drew Schlosberg. Here’s a look at the key points discussed:

Emerging Tech Opportunities for All

The good news is that cybersecurity offers career opportunities for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Journeys Map highlighted the growing trend of mid-career transitions, where professionals from other sectors leverage their transferable skills to enter the cybersecurity field. Additionally, “grey collar” workers, those with valuable experience but lacking formal qualifications, can find pathways to build the necessary skills and certifications for cybersecurity careers.

The Employer’s Challenge & Journeys Map’s Solution

Filling high-paying tech jobs is a significant challenge for San Diego’s cybersecurity firms. According to the San Diego Cyber Cluster 75% of these companies struggle to find qualified candidates. This talent gap hinders economic growth and national security.

Journeys Map tackles this challenge by connecting employers with a wider pool of qualified candidates. The platform leverages AI-assisted skills and gap analysis to identify potential candidates with the right capabilities. Additionally, Journeys Map collaborates with learning providers to ensure that educational programs align with current industry needs, preparing graduates for success in the workforce.

Supporting Our Military and Building a Robust Talent Pipeline

The interview with Journeys Map emphasized their commitment to supporting San Diego’s unique cybersecurity ecosystem, with a particular focus on empowering transitioning military members.  

Empowering Military Transition:

Journeys Map understands the valuable skill sets veterans possess, from analytical thinking to cyber defense experience. Our platform helps translate those strengths into relevant cybersecurity qualifications, facilitating a smooth transition to rewarding careers. This in turn, develops a robust talent pipeline to support the military’s growing cybersecurity needs and strengthens our national security posture.

A Focus on San Diego’s Needs

Beyond military transition, Journeys Map offers additional solutions to address San Diego’s specific needs.

Building a Sustainable Pipeline:

The platform connects employers with a wider pool of qualified candidates, promoting long-term workforce sustainability for San Diego’s cybersecurity sector.

Empowering Learners, Employers, and the Community

By providing learners with personalized career journeys and insightful data-driven tools, Journeys Map empowers individuals to navigate the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. Employers benefit from a wider pool of qualified candidates and a more efficient recruitment and retention process. Ultimately, this collaborative approach strengthens San Diego’s cybersecurity posture and ensures the region’s continued success in the digital age.

Are you interested in learning more about how Journeys Map can help you? 

Whether you’re a job seeker, employer, or educator, Journeys Map offers valuable resources and personalized support. Contact us to learn more today!

Journeys Map Makes Connections and Sparks Innovation in San Diego

We at Journeys Map are buzzing with excitement after a whirlwind of incredible events in our beautiful city. It’s been a journey (pun intended!), and we’re thrilled to share it with you!

The Power of Partnership!

A huge shout-out to our amazing partners at the Cyber Center of Excellence (CCOE)! Thanks to their connection, we were guests at the WiCyS San Diego career fair, setting up a booth to connect with participants and learn more about their aspirations in cybersecurity. The energy at the event was electric, with a strong focus on community and collaboration.

Inspiring Stories and Shared Journeys

The theme we heard most often at WiCyS? Transformation! People from all walks of life, with years of experience, were eager to explore how Journeys Map could support their pathways to fulfilling careers in cybersecurity. It was truly inspiring to see how our platform empowers users to connect their passions with purpose, ultimately shaping their dream futures.

Investing in the Future: A Day with CFF

We didn’t stop there! We also journeyed to the Classroom of the Future Foundation‘s 7th Annual College & Career Pathways Summit. This event was an enriching day filled with insightful discussions and valuable connections. We were especially grateful to see the unwavering support for our long-standing partner, the College Futures Foundation (CFF), and their dedication to advancing education in our community. Let’s not forget the excitement when we raffled off a brand new Apple Watch – congrats to the lucky winner!

Celebrating STEAM and the Future Leaders of San Diego!

Next, the San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering Expo Day was a blast for curious minds of tomorrow’s STEAM leaders! We proudly represented CCOE (Cyber Center of Excellence) at the College & Career EXPO, showcasing the Cyber Security portion of our map to the young minds that came through. We were excited to see the addition of the “College & Career” spaces, connecting students with higher education and industry partners. 

A Shared Vision for a Brighter Future

Every event we attended reinforced our core belief: community and collaboration are the cornerstones of innovation. Whether it’s empowering career transitions, nurturing a diverse tech workforce, or igniting a passion for STEAM, we’re all on this journey together.

Thank You, San Diego!

We’re so grateful for the opportunity to participate in these incredible events. A heartfelt thank you to all the organizers, volunteers, and participants who made them possible.

Stay tuned! We have even more exciting things planned for San Diego. Keep an eye out for upcoming events and partnerships!

In the meantime, explore your own journey with Journeys Map! Visit our website and see how we can help you connect your who, what, and future!

Charting Your Course: A Guide to Personal Career Mapping

In today’s dynamic job market, where nearly half of employees change jobs by age 24 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, taking control of your career path is more important than ever. Traditionally, career mapping was a tool used by employers to outline potential advancement opportunities for their employees. However, career mapping remains a valuable strategy for both employers and employees to not only chart internal promotion paths, but also to identify opportunities for skill development and increased employee engagement.

As the pace of digital innovation accelerates and the demand for highly skilled talent builds, gaps are becoming common – a report by the World Economic Forum estimates up to 50% of employees will need reskilling by 2025. That’s why Journeys Map is excited to soon launch their skills gap analysis tool to assist both employers and employees. This feature helps identify any discrepancies between an employee’s current skill set and the requirements of their desired future role. For organizations, Journeys Map will offer capabilities to create customized maps specific to their company structure. This allows employees to see how their skills and strengths profiles align with other positions within the company, potentially increasing retention rates and allowing for employees to explore new spaces. 

What is Career Mapping and Why is it Important?

Career mapping, also known as career pathing, is the process of visualizing your professional journey. It involves identifying your current position, defining your long-term goals, and outlining the steps necessary to bridge the gap between the two. This roadmap provides a clear picture of your desired career trajectory, allowing you to avoid the pitfalls of:

  • Career Complacency: Without a clear direction, it’s easy to fall into a routine and stagnate in your current role. Career mapping forces you to proactively seek out growth opportunities, keeping your skills sharp and your career on an upward trajectory. A study by LinkedIn found that 76% of professionals with career maps reported feeling more confident about their career direction.
  • Missed Opportunities: The dynamic job market offers a wealth of potential opportunities, but they can be easy to miss if you’re not actively looking.  Career mapping helps you identify skills that are in demand and positions that align with your goals, making you more likely to seize the right opportunities when they arise. 
  • Skill Gaps: The skills required for success are constantly evolving. Career mapping exposes any gaps between your current skill set and your desired future role, allowing you to take targeted action to bridge those gaps through training, education, or on-the-job experiences.

Crafting Your Personal Career Map: A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to take charge of your career? Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your personal career map:

Bridge the Gap Between Your Starting Point and Your Destination:

  • Specific Job Titles: Journeys Map empowers you to search by specific job title. This search delivers an in-depth understanding of the chosen career path. You’ll gain valuable insights into the: Skills and Qualifications Needed: Journeys Map equips you with a clear picture of the  essential and desirable skills and qualifications for your target job title. This allows you to identify areas where you excel and any skill gaps you need to address.
  • Training Programs and Educational Pursuits: Journeys Map recognizes the importance of continuous learning. The platform offers details about  institutions and programs that align with your specific career goals. Whether you’re considering a formal degree program or a certificate course, Journeys Map helps you find the educational resources to bridge your skill gaps and enhance your qualifications.

Detail the Requirements: Don’t just list desired job titles; research the specific skills and experience required for each position using the information provided by Journeys Map. This will help you identify any skill gaps you need to address.

By taking the time to create your personal career map, you’ll gain clarity, purpose, and direction in your professional journey. Remember, your career is yours to own, so take charge and map your course to success with Journeys here to support you every step of the way.

To begin charting your course visit Journeys Map today!

Skill Up! Your Guide to Thriving in the New Job Market (with a Skill-Matching Twist!)

Hey there, career climbers! This month, we’re diving into the hottest trend shaking up the world of work: Skills-first hiring. Forget the days when a degree was your golden ticket. Now, employers are hungry for real-world skills and experience, making this the perfect time to supercharge your career.

Why the shift? Buckle up, because it’s a wild ride:

  • Technology is a whirlwind: Industries are transforming faster than ever, leaving traditional degrees with an expiring shelf life. A 2023 study by the World Economic Forum found that 74% of businesses report they need to equip their workforce with new skills due to technological advancements. This means technical skills learned even five years ago might be obsolete, demanding constant learning and adaptability.
  • Human skills are the secret sauce: Collaboration, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence are gold dust in today’s team-driven workplaces. A whopping 90% of hiring managers report that soft skills are as important, or even more important, than technical skills, according to LinkedIn’s 2024 Global Talent Trends Report. No matter your field, these human skills are the keys to unlocking leadership and innovation.
  • The price tag on a degree can be a major hurdle: Traditional education can leave you drowning in debt, especially when it doesn’t guarantee a job. Thankfully, alternative learning options like certification programs, online courses, and apprenticeships offer affordable, targeted skill development. A 2023 report by the National Skills Coalition found that 92% of jobs analyzed require digital skills, yet one-third of workers lack the foundational skills needed to enter and thrive in today’s workforce. This highlights the critical need for accessible and effective skill development solutions.

So, how do you conquer this new skills-based landscape? Here’s your battle plan:

  • Become a skill-seeker: Identify the skills in demand for your dream career. Explore learning methods that fit your budget and schedule, whether it’s online courses, hands-on opportunities, or apprenticeships. Remember, degrees are just one piece of the puzzle.
  • Showcase your skills like a pro: Don’t just list skills on your resume; make them sing! Quantify your impact, use relevant keywords, and highlight micro-credentials and certificates to prove your expertise. Think of your resume as a skills trophy case.
  • Stay ahead of the curve: The world of work is constantly evolving, so never stop learning. A 2024 study by The Conference Board found that 87% of employees believe they need to develop new skills throughout their careers to keep up with changes in the workplace. Seek ongoing learning opportunities, and don’t forget to communicate your skill development to your employer. Create a skills portfolio to track your progress and show off your dedication.

Now, here’s the exciting part: Unearthing your hidden skill potential and learning how to communicate them can be easier than you think! Introducing Journeys Map’s Skills Matcher assessment, a free, 10-minute online tool that matches your unique skills with potential careers.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Answer a series of questions about your skills and interests.
  2. The assessment analyzes your responses and identifies Best Fit, Great Fit, and Good Fit career options for you.
  3. Get a personalized report highlighting the skills that make you a perfect match for these careers.


  • You have options: Don’t let a lack of a degree hold you back. Explore alternative learning pathways and focus on building in-demand skills.
  • Be proactive: Take charge of your career by actively seeking opportunities to learn and grow. Don’t wait for the skills fairy to visit!
  • Network and connect: Build relationships with professionals in your field and stay informed about industry trends. Your network is your skill-building support system. This doesn’t just mean attending industry events or joining LinkedIn groups. Platforms like Journeys Map even go a step further, connecting you with potential mentors, colleagues, and even informing you about relevant job boards, internship opportunities, and certification programs. Pathways to career building are not linear, and Journeys Map knows that your pathway is as unique as you are.

Ready to unlock your true career potential? Head over to and take the Skills Matcher assessment today! It’s fast, fun, and your key to thriving in the skills economy!

Elevating Your Career Exploration with AI: Journeys Map’s Latest Advancements

2023 was certainly a year to remember. From a technology point of view, there was no bigger story than the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its myriad uses. While controversy exists, there is plenty of quality work being done to properly harness the technology for the betterment of all. We feel the advancements to our underlying systems fits this profile. 

As many know, Journeys Map leverages Education and CTE (Career and Technical Education) Standards to power our career pathways system. Like GPS guidance does for your car trips, Journeys Map works when a person provides their ‘current’ location (school, career, interests and/or skill base), and desired outcome — to map a path to the stated destination. The mapped directions include career information and the training and skills needed to reach the destination and find success. A challenge our technology team has faced in developing the map is finding a way to integrate the millions of existing CTE Standards while keeping up with the continual flow of updates and changes to them. In the past, there was lots of hands-on work required to make this happen, meaning it would be impossible to add all existing CTE standards to the system. However with machine learning and AI, that’s about to change.

Already familiar with Journeys Map’s innovative approach to career discovery?

Brace yourself for an even more personalized and data-driven experience with the incorporation of AI. Here’s a glimpse of what this groundbreaking development brings to the table:

1. Precision in Career Mapping:

Imagine a career exploration tool that not only understands your interests but also aligns them with your unique skill set. With the power of AI, Journeys Map is able to map every career journey, no matter how unique. This includes the ability to provide more accurate and tailored career recommendations.

3. Adaptability and Continuous Learning:

The job market is ever-changing, and so are the skills in demand. AI allows us to integrate the corresponding skill sets from every job posting, and match them to both the individual’s skills and the associated CTE Standard for a more precise skill match analysis.

4. Seamless User Experience:

Underscoring the importance of an enjoyable exploration, Journeys Map prioritizes a user-friendly interface. The incorporation of AI aims to enhance the platform’s intuitiveness, offering users the ability to effortlessly navigate their career paths, receive personalized recommendations, all within a streamlined and understandable interface.

Interested in learning more?

We invite you to experience Journeys Map through a free, no-obligation demonstration.

As we venture deeper into the intersection of technology and career exploration, Journeys Map is focused on the positive application of these amazing tools to assist in advancing each individual’s narrative and providing them with a more informed, personalized, and data-driven journey towards success.

Unleash the Hidden Talents Within Your Team with Journeys Map

For companies, c-suite execs and front-line managers looking to take their teams to new heights in 2024, the first step inevitably lies in understanding the full potential of their existing teams.

A goal here at Journeys Map is to find better ways of empowering managers and CEOs alike with unparalleled insights into the hidden talents within their organization. A key differentiator, the right mix of talent can make or break a company. Once your team is optimized, the key becomes preservation and long term development. Journeys Map is designed to provide directional navigation through the diverse skills, experiences, and potentials of your team members. The information provided can help unearth the untapped brilliance within your workforce to drive innovation, collaboration, and sustainability.

Retention Focused:

Did you know that 40% of employees leave due to a lack of career growth? By identifying and nurturing your teams existing talent sets, retention rate will increase. Often, employees have different sets of skills that can be applied in new and important way — Journeys Map is designed to help you unlock these treasures and identify new ways to apply and optimize them —increasing productivity. Occasionally, new career focuses can be found as well, allowing a good employee to become a better version of themselves in a new and exciting capacity.

Illuminating Diversity:

Diversity matters and according to Glassdoor 67% of job seekers prioritize searching for companies with diverse workforces. Journeys Map lights up underutilized talent, especially in underrepresented groups. By unveiling hidden skill sets, you can build a more inclusive and dynamic workforce, attracting top talent and boosting innovation. Picture a programmer with a passion for community outreach becoming your social impact champion – Journeys Map makes it possible.

Employee Engagement:

We all know that when an employee feels stuck in a career rut, it’s demotivating. Journeys Map showcases the kaleidoscope of career possibilities within your company, reigniting passion and engagement. For example, when Susan in sales utilizes our Interest Survey and discovers her negotiation skills, it makes her the perfect candidate for a client-facing role. That’s just one way Journneys Map can help you retain happy, engaged employees who contribute their best work.

Skills Assessment Lens:

Journeys Skills Assessment helps your employees look at their current roles through the lens of their talents and skills. Are they underutilized, or can you leverage hidden talents within the company? It provides the clarity needed to make informed decisions about fitting into higher roles or switching contributions to a whole new department.

Want more information on how you can transform your workplace into a talent powerhouse? Contact the team at Journeys Map today and learn how the hidden talents of your team can take center stage, propelling them to unparalleled success!

Journeys Map Ignites Hidden Career Paths

Imagine a world where careers aren’t ladders but constellations. Twinkling possibilities sprawl before you, connected by constellations of skills you already possess. Sounds pretty epic, right? Well, buckle up, because Journeys Map is your personal cartographer to these career galaxies.

Let’s face it, most career advice boils down to two options: climb the same ladder everyone else is on, or take a leap of faith into the unknown. Journeys Map throws this tired binary out the airlock. Here’s why it’s a game-changer for career changers and professionals:

Skills self-discovery superpower: Forget generic career quizzes. Journeys Map delves deep, analyzing your work history, education, and even volunteer experiences to map your unique skill set. It’s like a magic mirror revealing the hidden talents you didn’t even know you had. Suddenly, that passion project you thought was just a hobby becomes the key to unlocking a fulfilling career in something you love waking up to do every day.

Uncharted career path explorer: Forget the “should” game. Journeys Map shows you realistic, attainable career options based on your existing skills. The data-driven map highlights both familiar and surprising new career paths, letting you explore possibilities you might have never considered. Remember the daydreamer in school with a knack for writing? Journeys Map might reveal their potential as a captivating copywriter or even a children’s book author.

Confidence-boosting career compass: Feeling lost or undervalued? Journeys Map is your antidote. Seeing your skills translated into concrete career options is incredibly empowering. It validates your worth and gives you the confidence to pursue your dream job, whether it’s within your current company or in a brand new galaxy.

Turn your skills into new career pathways:  Want to explore where your skills can take you? The Journeys Map Skills Matcher walks you through questions that assess your current skills and where you shine best. Then matches you with exciting careers that fit your individual skillset! 

Journeys Map isn’t just a career mapping tool; it’s a talent liberation movement. It shows us that career paths aren’t linear, but constellations waiting to be explored. It’s a self-discovery journey, revealing hidden talents and opening doors to fulfilling careers, new and old.. So, chart your course with Journeys Map, and let your career constellation shine.

Ready to map your future? Visit and ignite your career journey today!

Journeys Map Recognized: Cybersecurity Awareness Private Organization Winner

We are excited to announce that in December, Journeys Map was selected to receive the San Diego Business Journal (SDBJ) & San Diego Cyber Center of Excellence’s (CCOE) 2023 Cybersecurity Stewardship Award for Organization of the Year!

The recognition symbolizes our ongoing effort to transform the way pathways to meaningful careers are created and utilized. The work begins here in our home base of San Diego — within the education and cybersecurity communities — and extends out to a broader audience through our work internationally. We have quietly but assuredly worked closely with many companies and non-profit organizations within the region to create access and opportunity to available jobs for both youth and adult populations.

The success of Journeys Map is a direct reflection of EdGate’s determination and efforts to power education for everyone, from school age to retirement.

This is the third year in a row that we have been recognized with a Cybersecurity Stewardship Award, and the second time this year, including our CEO Peter Sibley’s recognition as CEO of the Year by the SDBJ, that EdGate has risen to the occasion as an organization. The entire team at EdGate continues to strive to make a difference in the communities we serve. As we like to say, EdGate Powers Education.